

        投稿地址為 jprssubmit@gmail.com,請以附件寄送稿件之WORD檔及PDF檔各一份。為便利編審作業,請於PDF稿件中移除作者資料(如姓名、服務機關、電話、及電子郵件信箱等)。稿件撰寫要點如下:

2.字體:(1)中文均以新細明體橫式打字;(2)英文均以Times New Roman字體橫式打字。
7.作者:作者姓名列於題目之下方,字體大小為14粗體,其服務機關及職稱以1, 2,…上標編號註記於頁尾,字體大小為9。
15.參考文獻(中、日文須英譯):(1)參考文獻應列於文末,文稿中未直接引用者不得列入;(2)中文文獻需加英文翻譯,於結尾加上(in Chinese),日文書寫同中文文獻,於結尾加上(in Japan)。先排列中、日文參考文獻,再排列英文參考文獻,其他文字參考文獻列於英文參考文獻之後;(3)中文參考文獻以第一作者姓名筆劃順序排列,英文參考文獻以第一作者之姓依英文字母順序排列。當作者相同時,依發表年代排列,作者及發表年代完全相同時,依日期在年代後加以 a, b, c 順序。第一作者姓名相同時,先排列單一作者之參考文獻,其次為多作者文獻;(4)參考文獻之格式如下列:
 ●  期刊論文:作者姓名,年代。文章標題,期刊名稱,卷數(期數):起始頁數─結束頁數。
 ●  書籍:作者姓名,年代。書名,出版者,出版地。
 ●  研討論文集:作者姓名,年代。篇名,論文集名稱,發表地點,卷(期):起始頁數–結束頁數。
 ●  網路引用:作者姓名,年代。篇名,取自網址,檢索日期。
16.參考文獻引用:(1)作者為一人時,以作者全名(中文文獻)或姓(英文文獻)及發表年代,如楊明德 (2007)或(楊明德,2007)、Yang (2007)或(Yang, 2007);(2)作者為二人時,以二作者全名(中文文獻)或姓(英文文獻)及發表年代,如楊明德及蘇東青(2014) 或(楊明德及蘇東青,2014)、Yang &Su (2014)或(Yang & Su, 2014);(3)作者為多人時,以第一作者全名(中文文獻)或姓(英文文獻),之後加「等」(中文文獻)或「et al.」(英文文獻)及發表年代,如(楊明德等,2016)或楊明德等(2016)、Yang et al. (2016)或(Yang et al., 2016),「et al.」請以斜體;(4)作者及發表年代完全相同時,依日期在年 代後加以 a, b, c 引用,如 Yang & Su (2008a)、Yang & Su (2008b)。

The Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing periodically publishes academic articles, technical short papers, and application reports addressing topics in photogrammetry and remote sensing. Acceptance of submitted manuscripts for publication is based on a peer-reviewing process arranged by the editorial board. A manuscript will not be formally accepted until a copyright agreement is received. Although authors can indicate their submitted manuscripts belonging to one of the categories of academic articles, technical short papers or application reports, the editorial board will make the final decision based on the suggestions of reviewers. This journal accept no paper ever been published, but a revised appropriately paper published in conference proceedings is an exception.

The manuscript submission address is jprssubmit@gmail.com. Please send your manuscript in both WORD and PDF formats via e-mail attachments. However, for blind reviewing, please eliminate author information in the PDF file. Instructions for authors to prepare a manuscript are as follows:

1.Typing format: Manuscripts should be typed single-column and double-space on A4 page size using font-type of 10pt Times New Roman. The pages should be numbered.
2.Units: Manuscripts must use SI (Metric) units in text, figures, or tables.
3.Cover page: The cover page should contain manuscript title, author names, abstract, key words, and author affiliations.
4.End page: The end page contains the same information as the cover page, but in Chinese.
5.Title: The title of the manuscripts should be concise and informative. Please use font size of 20pt,Bold and capitalize the initial letter of each word in the title.
6.Authors: Authors names (using font size of 14pt,Bold) are listed below the title, affiliations (using font size of 9pt,Bold) are listed at the end of the first page marked with 1, 2,….
7.Abstract: The abstract should be shorter than 250 words and typed using font size of 10pt..
8.Keywords: Keywords (no more than 5 words) should be given and placed below the abstract (using font size of 12pt,Bold).
9.Sections and Sub-sections: Section heading (using font size of 18pt,Bold) should be centered and numbered in 1, 2… etc. Sub-sections (using font size of 14pt,Bold) are justified to the left in 1.1, 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2…etc.
10.Paper length: Published papers are limited to 22 pages.
11.Equations: Type formulae and equations clearly in black and numbered in curved brackets. All symbols in equations should be clearly defined when they firstly appear in the manuscripts.
12.Figures and Tables: Figures and tables are numbered and described in short. When papers are accepted, original figures, tables, and photographs are expected for reproduction. Color figures and tables are acceptable in digital version, but they will be printed in gray levels in hard copies.
13.13. References: Only works cited in the text will be included. References should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication of the reference, such as Yang and Su (2014) or (Yang and Su, 2014). With three or more names use the form “Yang et al. (2016) or (Yang et al., 2016)” in the text. When two or more references have the same text identification, please distinguish them by appending “a”, “b”, etc., to the year of publication. References should include the complete title(s), the number of the volume and the page(s) of the information cited. References should be listed in alphabetical order, according to the last name of the first author, at the end of the paper.